How to stop smoking weed Without Going Cold Turkey

A common misconception among many people today when they ask how to stop smoking weed is that marijuana is much like cigarettes in that they are physically addictive and so very hard to stop smoking because of cravings within the body. These cravings can drive you to distraction unless you have a smoke to calm down. This in fact is totally incorrect and is probably just a mish mash of misinformation likening a joint to a cigarette because you smoke them and of course the fact many other drugs are very addictive chemically like cigarettes.

Marijuana has no chemical like nicotine that addicts people; instead pot is psychologically addictive. This means that the urge to continue smoking weed is more about you wanting to gain a high rather than your body needing the drug to stop its pain. Stopping smoking weed is hard only because you do not want to subconsciously.

Now this does not mean that it is easy to quit pot or that you are lacking willpower however. Psychological addictions can be very problematic as people with gambling problems can tell you and requires a great deal more introspection into your own motives and weaknesses so you can pin down the real reason you keep coming back to marijuana time and time again.

To do this however you do not need to go “cold turkey” and simply stop and try to live your life the same as before but without the drugs. This is sometimes the worst thing you can do as there is often a huge gap in your life that can seem big and cold and empty and that time you used to “escape” by smoking weed can lead to you failing in your attempt to quit and falling back into the habit or by picking up another addiction that could be even worse.

To combat this while you sort out the underlying reasons for your addiction it is vitally important to find something healthy and fulfilling to fill that gap such as:

  • Meditation The art of meditation can really help pot smokers by allowing time to be spent clearing ones thoughts and those that become very good at it discover they can achieve a different sort of high that though is different to the drug is fulfilling and healthy. By clearing your mind with meditation you can also help sort of the more difficult things in your life that seem so complicated and difficult normally and which just fade away when on drugs.
  • Hobbies Finding a rewarding hobby is also a great way to take your mind off marijuana. By occupying your thoughts with something creative like drawing, painting, writing or many other things you can find new talents and new ways of self fulfillment that last beyond a chemically induced high. It can also be an outlet for pent up emotions that may be triggering your desire to get high.
  • Exercise While increased exercise is great for your health in general exercise allows pent up energy and frustrations to be spent in a good way. Smoking weed often represses these things making the problems worse. Engaging in a team sport is also a great way to make new friends and contacts that are not into drugs if your current group of friends are still into them making it hard to engage socially. Activities such as yoga are also great to combine with meditation.

If you can fill your life with healthy, rewarding and fulfilling pursuits you will find the need to use marijuana will be greatly reduced and allow you to see your life clearly without the haze of weed clouding your judgment. In the end, how to smoking weed is about finding the root cause of your addiction which can only be done by taking the time and impetus for the drug. Even with these new activities you can fall back into the habit without psychological adjustment and understanding however but it is the first step of being free!

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How To Quit Smoking Weed

How To Quit Smoking Weed ?

how to quit smoking weed
When you smoke weed can be the cool weather and out of this world. But you know what may have adverse effects both physically and psychologically ? If you are a smoker and stuff is falling into addiction, the first thing to do is learn how to quit smoking weed. It is a healthy habit that has zero benefit for their welfare . Below are some tips to quit smoking weed that will help you overcome this habit and live a healthy life straight.

meditation to quit smoking weed

 A good thing to do is clear your mind through meditation. Those who become good at meditating experience what some call a natural high . He is rich , it is more rewarding and healthier than what you get from smoking weed. It can also be more productive in your life, because you will be able to think clearly.
rewarding hobby to quit smoking weed

Another good method on how to quit smoking weed is to find a rewarding hobby . Hobbies will keep you preoccupied to take your mind off smoking weed . Hobbies learning are very productive and will be able to give you lasting satisfaction unlike weed smoke gives temporary . Do something creative like assembling model planes and other vehicles . You can also learn to play musical instruments .
Exercise to quit smoking weed
Exercise is the healthiest thing you can do to help you quit smoking weed . You get to release all the frustrations and repressed energy not used to exercise a healthy way. You can also play team sports where you can make new friends that are not weeds. You may be able to meet others who are also trying to stop and help each other overcome their suffering.

Smoking weed requires only far from reality. You have to learn how to quit smoking weed and back to your life . A life that is healthy and productive .

Secondhand Smoke Facts

Secondhand Smoke Facts

Secondhand Smoke Facts

Secondhand Smoke Facts


Secondhand smoke, otherwise called aloof or natural tobacco smoke (ETS), is a mixture of:

Mainstream smoke: sighed by smokers

 Secondhand smoke: given off by the smoldering close of a cigarette, stogie, or funnel

Between 70% and 90% of non-smokers in the American populace, kids and mature people, are normally laid open to used smoke. It is assessed that just 15% of cigarette smoke gets sniffed by the smoker. The remaining 85% waits buzzing around for everybody to relax. Assuming that an individual uses more than two hours in a room where somebody is smoking, the nonsmoker sniffs what might as well be called four cigarettes.

Used smoke is the third heading preventable reason for incapacity and unanticipated expiration (after dynamic smoking and liquor) in the United States. For each eight smokers who kick the bucket from smoking, one guiltless onlooker bites the dust from used smoke.

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dangers of secondhand smoke facts